Wheelchair Express
We have many parishioners who need physical assistance to manage the long distance from their car all the way to their pew, especially the reserved pews for the handicapped in the front of church. The Wheelchair Express will fill that need!
The Wheelchair Express is a group of volunteers that use St. Mary's wheelchairs to transport parishioners in need of assistance from the curb to the pew before Mass, then from the pew back to the curb after Mass.
The Wheelchair Express Drop-off/Pick-up Zone is at the covered walkway next to the St. Vincent de Paul building at Fairfield St.
The Wheelchair Express will run from 30 minutes to 5 minutes before each Sunday morning Mass at the church:
- 8:00-8:25am
- 10:30-10:55am
Volunteers are always welcomed to join this needed ministry!
Requirements to be a wheelchair "driver:"
- Must be strong enough to push someone in a wheelchair up the handicap ramp.
- Can be any age: Adults, teens, pre-teens, and even young children teamed up with a parent.
- Must arrive at least 30 minutes before Mass in order to sign in and be "wheelchair ready" at the Drop-off/Pick-up Zone in time.
- Must remain after Mass until all who need assistance have been taken to the Drop-off/Pick-up Zone.
"Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of Mine, you did for Me."
To volunteer or to donate a wheelchair for this ministry, contact Donna Pierce at rampierce@atlanticbb.net or 803.474.6011.