Faith in the Face of Suffering

06-30-2024Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

Today Saint Mark presents us with an avalanche of needy people who approach Jesus the Savior seeking health and healing. As unlikely as it seems, a man named Jairus, the head of the synagogue, made his way through the crowd to ask for healing for his little daughter: “My daughter is at the point of death. Please, come lay your hands on her that she may get well and live.” (Mk 5:23)

Who knows if that man knew Jesus by sight, from seeing Him frequently in the synagogue and, finding himself so desperate, decided to invoke His help. In any case, Jesus, grasping the faith of that grieving father, agreed to his request. Then, while going to his house the news came that the girl had already died and that it was useless to bother Jesus.  Jairus’ friends from his house told him, “Your daughter has died; why trouble the teacher any longer?” (Mk 5:35).

Jesus, realizing the situation, asked Jairus not to be influenced by the pessimistic environment, saying: “Do not be afraid; just have faith.” (Mk 5:36) Jesus asked that father for a greater faith, capable of going beyond doubt and fear. Upon arriving at Jairus' house, the Messiah brought the girl back to life with the words: “Talitha koum,” which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise!” (Mk 5:41)

We too should have more faith, the faith that does not doubt in the face of life's difficulties and trials, and that knows how to mature in pain through our union with Christ. As Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI suggests in his encyclical Spe Salvi (Saved by Hope): “It is not by sidestepping or fleeing from suffering that we are healed, but rather by our capacity for accepting it, maturing through it and finding meaning through union with Christ, who suffered with infinite love.”

A good start might be to say to our Lord, “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24)

All the best…in Christ,

Father Wilson