Dear Friends in Christ,
The fourth Sunday of Easter is often referred to as Good Shepherd Sunday, but it is also designated as the “World Day of Prayer for Vocations.” We are to pray and work especially for vocations to the permanent diaconate, the priesthood and consecrated religious life.
I came into full communion with the Catholic Church on September 8, 1998, at St. Joseph’s in Anderson. When I came in, God led me to immediately volunteer to serve in the church. Initially, I taught CCD to 9th and 10th graders. It was a challenge since I had never done that before. But God in his mercy blessed me and blessed our class. As time progressed, I became even more involved. Not too long after my entry into the church, I found myself serving in many different roles: I counted the offering; served as a lector, sang in the choir, served as a cantor, served on the Finance Council, and became President of the St. Joseph’s Men’s Club. Also, for several years, I coordinated a bus trip to the capitol for the annual March for Life. I remember that it got so that when I wanted to be away for a weekend, I had to find three people to replace me in my duties at the parish.
I do not say these things to boast for they were all accomplished through the power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Rather, I say these things to say that along the way, as time passed by, several people (mostly women) would ask me, “Rich, have you ever thought about becoming a priest?” Usually these were women who attended daily Mass and knew me quite well. The point that I’m making is, as involved as I was in various ministries of the parish, I could not see what others saw in me. I could not see that my service in the church was quite unusual when compared to other men at my age and circumstances. These people, again, mostly women, saw things in me that I had not recognized.
Eventually, I continued in prayer and applied for the priesthood and the rest, as they say, is history. So, what about you? Are you observant of the young people (and older ones too) in our parish? Are you praying about which ones might have a vocation to the permanent diaconate, the priesthood, or the consecrated religious life? Are you asking them if they are considering a vocation?
“And I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Phil 1:6) God is always faithful to work in us…if we answer His call!
All the best…in Christ,
Father Wilson