Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We continue to pray for a swift and safe end to all the problems caused by the pandemic. In the meantime, please remember who we are: we are always and everywhere – whether online in comments and social media or out and about in the community – disciples of Jesus Christ. Therefore, let each action and word be not your own, but His. If someone has a conversation with you or me about any topic, will they come away from the conversation knowing we are a faithful disciple?
There are, as you likely know, a few vaccines preparing to roll out. Some people have wrongly suggested that certain vaccines coming available were made with tissue taken from aborted fetuses. Here is the “official word” on the morality of the current vaccines:
“To clear any confusion or concerns regarding COVID vaccines and future production, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has released the following memo from Greg Schleppenbach, associate director of the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities:
“Neither the Pfizer nor the Moderna vaccine involved the use of cell lines that originated in fetal tissue taken from the body of an aborted baby at any level of design, development, or production.
Some are asserting that if a vaccine is connected in any way with tainted cell lines then it is immoral to be vaccinated with them. This is an inaccurate portrayal of Catholic moral teaching.” You can read the full memo here:
There are other vaccines currently in development that have used fetal stem cells. If they go into production in our country, further recommendations and options will be made available so we can make the right, most moral choice. The Catholic Church in no way supports vaccines directly developed from harvesting fetuses. One very basic moral principle is that one cannot do an evil act even for a good end.
CHRISTMAS MASSES - Father Francisco, our dedicated staff, volunteers, and I are working hard to give us all a more “normal” experience of Christmas this year. In order to accommodate as many people in person as possible, we will have two priests offering two separate Masses simultaneously in both the church and St. Angela Hall for the 3:30pm and 6:00pm Masses. This year, the Bishop is allowing us to start a little earlier for the Vigil to better accommodate the faithful and to clean between Masses.
Masses: dec 24 - 3:30pm & 6:00pm - simultaneous Masses in the church and St. Angela Hall. These Masses will also be live-streamed.
8:00pm - church (in Spanish)
Dec 25 - 12:00am Midnight - church; 10:00am - church
Today is Gaudete (Rejoice) Sunday. We’re nearly there! In every circumstance, a true disciple can still rejoice in the Lord. Let us pray for each other!
Father Wilson