Parish Blog

Crown the Year with Thanks

11-24-2019Pastor's LetterFather Gregory Wilson

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Mass on Thanksgiving Day will be at 9:00am in Old St. Mary’s. What a great way to give thanks by first thanking the Creator of all. A collection is taken up at this Mass to benefit the poor and those in need.

We “crown” our liturgical year with this Solemnity of Jesus Christ the King of the Universe. Next Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent and a new liturgical year. Advent is a great time to make new spiritual beginnings. Find daily inspiration at: – Best Advent Ever: Amazing Possibilities.

Also, Straw for Jesus is back for Advent! As a parish family, let’s make a comfortable bed for the Savior. For each act of love you do during the week, place a piece of straw (provided) in the heart-shaped container found at any entrance of the church. The priest will bless the straw at the Offertory, and it will be placed in the empty manger awaiting the Son of God. The straw prepares the stable, and our acts of love prepare our hearts. See the flyer for more details and suggestions for your “Acts of Love.”

Finally, as promised, here is a description of our new mosaic, which you will (soon) see above the main doors of the church. The mosaic of The Birds of Paradise is one of symbolism and purpose. The peacock is an ancient Christian symbol for Resurrection and New Life. They decorate Christian catacombs. Each year, the peacock sheds its old feathers, and new feathers grow back more vibrant and beautiful than before. In the mosaic, the peacocks drink from the Chalice, representing each of us seeking eternal life. The Chalice overflows with the Precious Blood, shown by the grape vines spilling out. The vine’s tendrils are alive, reaching out and spreading the faith. The Cross above the Chalice represents Christ’s Sacrifice. It is full of gems, symbolizing Jesus’ royalty. The blue border represents Mary’s love surrounding her children, guiding us to her Son. The gold background draws one’s eye to the mosaic’s important invitation.

The mosaic invites all who look upon it to come into the church and go to the Altar to join in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In God’s infinite love for His children, He gives the gift of His Son, Jesus, in the Sacrifice on the Cross. Symbolized by the peacocks, we are called to drink the Blood of Christ and receive spiritual growth in faith. Ultimately, if we come to the Altar at Mass, we will receive new, everlasting life in Heaven. “Whoever eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day” – St. John 6:54

Our mosaic above the doors of the church acts as a marquee, an invitation to come inside and partake in our Lord’s Sacrifice. It is an invitation to put aside our sin, our suffering, and our worry, and to be vibrantly renewed with new life from the Altar. Alive with this faith, we then go out and invite others to the Banquet of Christ’s saving Cross.

And let us pray always for each other,
Father Wilson