Parish Blog

Cutting Off the Chain of Hate

01-20-2019Pastor's LetterRev. Gregory B. Wilson, VF

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Through all the nearly eighteen years of my priesthood, I have been truly blessed to be associated with a Catholic school for all but three of those years. And what a blessing it has been! For the kickoff of Catholic Schools Week next weekend, you will see several of our St. Mary’s School students leading some of our Masses. We will also have an open house on Sun, Jan 27 from 9:30am–Noon. Donuts, juice, and coffee will await you! Even if your own children are all grown up, come by and check out your parish school, which forms the minds, hearts, and spirits of the next generation. It is our greatest apostolate. Support your St. Mary’s School!

Several events to put on your calendar: Saturday, February 2 at 8:00am in Old St. Mary’s – the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, a.k.a., Candlemas. We celebrate the 40th day after Christmas when Jesus was presented in the Temple. Mass begins with a small procession as we bless altar candles and candles we will carry, symbols of Christ, the Light of the world. You are invited to bring candles from home to be blessed.

February 3 is the Feast of St. Blaise and the day we traditionally bless throats. (It is also a blessing against all illnesses.) Sincethis feast falls on Sunday this year, we will offer the blessing following each of the weekend Masses.

February 20 (Wednesday) at 6:30pm, please join us for Exploring the Shroud of Turin. The night will be led by Dr. Cheryl White, Associate Professor of History at Louisiana State University at Shreveport, member of the American Confraternity of the Holy Shroud, and co-host of Who is the Man of the Shroud podcast series. Dr. White will explore all of the accumulated evidence to date on the most significant relic and historical artifact known to exist, including the very latest points of research. I think you’ll be surprised at what we now know!

There’s more! We are thrilled to announce that two Dominicans Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, from Ann Arbor will be coming to St. Mary’s to offer a pre-Lenten mission, February 25-28 (Monday through Thursday). These sisters are so joyful, and we are blessed that they are able to come and offer us a mission.

As tomorrow our nation remembers Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his message of non-violence, we call to mind some of his words: “Along the way of life, someone must have the sense enough and the morality enough to cut off the chain of hate. This can only be done by projecting the ethics of love to the center of our lives.” It’s ok for us to acknowledge sins of racism in the past. It’s ok for us to admit we still have room to grow. We – you and I – must be that people that courageously steps forward to make the ethics of love – Jesus Christ – the center of our lives. Only great good can come from such honesty.

Yours in Christ and Our Lady,
Father Wilson