Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
While in seminary, a group of us would travel on a Saturday to join others in quietly praying and standing witness in front of a certain clinic in Pittsburgh. Some others would be there to taunt us while praying. It was easy to become discouraged. It seemed people only went inside. Suddenly, an African American woman with a small boy and another child in a stroller saw us and stopped. With tears she began to tell us, “Please keep doing what you are doing! I was here three years ago, and I almost went inside. But I saw you praying and decided not to go through with it!” Then, taking the small boy in her arms, she said through her tears, “And here is my boy! I named him Angel! Please keep doing this! It makes a difference!”
In another instance, after I was ordained, a young girl from a high school reached out to a teacher I knew. Her parents had scheduled an abortion for her the following day. “This would ruin your life,” people tried to convince her. Yet, she didn’t want to go through with it. Still, she felt she had no choice. Yes, she felt that she had no choice. The teacher reached out, and together we got her help through a nearby pregnancy center (like our own local Life Choices Pregnancy Care Center). She was scared but so thankful. The baptism was one of the most joyful I have experienced. Today, her love and joy for her child is expressed at every opportunity. Her parents, too, also couldn’t believe they almost ended the life of their grandchild. They felt they had no choice. Now they see that they did.
As you read, please try to temporarily forget the acrimonious political climate we are in, which stymies so much of our rational thought, and just think about the incredible gift of life. How do we respond when unborn children are destroyed through abortion and ill people are encouraged and assisted to take their own lives?
“The essence of our identity is that we are created in God’s image and likeness and loved by Him. Nothing can diminish the priceless worth of any human life. Every person is cherished. God creates every person for eternal union with Himself and continually invites us to embrace a loving relationship with Him. Every person is chosen. We are called to be messengers of God’s love, treating one another as cherished and chosen by Him. In doing so, we help build a culture that respects all human life. Every person is sent.” You are chosen as a messenger – a prophet for our times.
And, of course, no matter how serious the sin, God longs to forgive every repentant heart. If you are healing from an abortion, know you will find a kind, non-judgmental ear in the confessional, along with God’s complete forgiveness. Also, visit for some incredible resources for yourself or how to help a loved one. You have dignity, too, and you can find peace.
“Choose life that you and your descendants may live.” – Deuteronomy 30:19
Father Wilson