Regular Mass Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 5:30pm
Wednesday: 8:20am, 7:00pm (Spanish)
Saturday (daily Mass) 8:00am
Sunday Vigil (Saturday) 5:00pm
Sunday 8:30am; 11:00am; 1:00pm (Spanish)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 4:45-5:15pm
Wednesday 6:15-6:45pm
Saturday 3:30-4:30pm
Sunday 12:30-12:50pm (Spanish)
Ministries at St. Mary's
Feeding Disciples – Being Disciples – Forming Disciples
Please consider joining one of the many ministries at St. Mary's.
A Time to Wait and Hope!
12-01-2024 | Very Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, PastorDear Friends in Christ,
Advent can be called an “ardent” time, a time of contrasts. Advent begins the liturgical year, yet it is already speaking to us of the end of time. We prepare ourselves for the birth of Christ, His first arrival, yet we also listen to the announcement that prophesies His Second Coming as our Judge. We should live this time with our eyes wide open, expecting our final liberation. Jesus' preaching to His disciples puts us on guard that we should not be impressed by the violent upheavals that will come; instead, He invites us to anticipate the arrival of the Son of God in prayer and vigilance.