Go Forth and Change Hearts!

09-08-2019Pastor's LetterFather Gregory Wilson

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As of Tuesday when I wrote this column, Hurricane Dorian has done unbelievable damage to the Bahamas. It was next forecast to go up the coast. We pray for all those who have been affected by the storm, especially those who have died. May they rest in God’s eternal light.

In addition to natural disasters, perpetrators of mass shootings continue to take innocent lives. Hardly a week goes by without another sad event. While people work out political differences on how to fix the problem, one thing we as disciples of Jesus Christ can all agree on is that hearts need to be changed. We know from the lives of the Saints that when our faith is truly lived, the value of every life – from its silent beginnings in the womb at conception to its natural end – is finally understood as the beautiful miracle it truly is. The Gospel will not be spread by other people; it’s spread by us. The very end of Mass is not superfluous. It is a mandate for the gathered Body of Christ to “Go!” into the world as one, to truly live the Good News, and to change hearts.

In more uplifting news, Wednesday, September 11, St. Mary’s School celebrates Grandparent’s Mass at 8:15am in the church (not Old St. Mary’s). Afterwards, all are invited to a coffee and donuts mini-reception in the school cafeteria. Our grandparents have such an impact on our lives. May God continue to bless them as they provide their wisdom, good example, and above all, love.

Last Sunday, it was a great pleasure to welcome our parish’s seminarian, Will Frei, home for a brief time before he heads back to Rome to finish his studies. Please pray for Will on his birthday, October 3, when he will be ordained a deacon at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. He will continue his studies, making final preparations for ordination to the priesthood in mid-July of 2020, along with Deacon Michael Cellars, who served as a summer seminarian here a couple of years ago.

Will mentioned that, as you pray for him, for all of our seminarians, and for even more to answer the call, pray especially for holy vocations and holy priests. Of course, holiness is the business of each and every disciple – without exception. (After all, only saints are in heaven, and that’s where we want to go!) However, the world about us clamors so loudly that it is often hard to hear the still, small, yet strong voice of God. Our seminarians and priests need special prayers for holiness to keep focused on the mission, which is nothing less than the absolute and total gift of oneself in service to the flock, exactly like Jesus Himself.

Let us pray for each other!
Father Wilson

Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for all those whom you have called to discern your priesthood. With your abundant grace, help them to be truly holy and totally devoted to you. Call forth even more men of generous spirit and fervent love whom you desire for this holy work. Amen.