A big thank you to all those who helped make our Christmas celebrations spectacular. Thank you to the wonderful voices and leadership of all of St. Mary’s choirs. It takes much effort to bring us such beautiful music. We are grateful for all the volunteers who set up for Masses, proclaim the word of God, help the priests and deacons distribute Holy Communion, usher, and those who clean and prepare behind the scenes so well that we never know the amount of work it takes. What looks effortless is far from it! And, of course, a very special thank you to our “elves,” who decorated our churches and gave us the beautiful atmosphere for worship. To all – thank you! You help make St. Mary’s great!
Changes to Nursing Home Mass Schedule
We have made changes to the Nursing Home Mass schedule to better meet the needs of our facility parishioners. The schedule for Nursing Home Masses will be as follows:
Pepper Hill—First Thursday
Cumberland Village—Second Thursday
Trinity—Third Thursday
Benton House— Fourth Thursday
Carlisle (formerly Azalea Woods), Shadow Oaks, Pruitt Health, Harbor Chase, Hitchcock, and Anchor Rehabilitation Center will to be visited on Tuesdays on a rotating weekly basis. Many of these residents are unable to attend Mass and miss the opportunity to interact with a Priest. Rather than canceling the scheduled Mass time, we have decided that it would be most beneficial for residents to have private time with the Priest instead. We will regularly assess the number of parishioners to determine whether a visit or Mass will be celebrated. Please check the website or call the office if you attend the Nursing Home Masses to see verify the schedule.
We encourage parishioners to visit with our Nursing Home residents; please contact Bette Ross at the Parish Office if you would like to provide friendship and support to our many facility residents.
God bless,
Father Wilson