Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
First, we give a very warm welcome to our Bishop, the Most Rev. Robert Guglielmone, who is here to bless the new mosaic of the Blessed Mother in the garden after the 11am Mass. Be sure to wish him also a happy anniversary of his ordination as Bishop!
As we begin Holy Week, allow yourself to walk with Jesus in His final steps to save you and, in fact, the whole world. Make time to spend with Him. Some highlights of the week:
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
"In the Dioceses of the United States, the practice of covering crosses and images throughout the church from this Sunday may be observed. Crosses remain covered until the end of the Celebration of the Lord's Passion on Good Friday, but images remain covered until the beginning of the Easter Vigil." – from the Roman Missal for the Fifth Sunday of Lent.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Go on…take a break…you deserve it! In fact, the Church insists on it today. Here at the halfway point of Lent, the Church gives us a little break from our Lenten penances on this Sunday of joy called Laetare Sunday. The fourth Sunday of Lent is a break in our otherwise penitential season. The priests and deacons wear rose, the color of the dawn, symbolizing anticipation; and music, having been restrained since Ash Wednesday, is given joyful free reign once again. This day takes its name from the opening words of the Mass, the official Introit: "Laetare, Jerusalem" – "Rejoice, Jerusalem… Be joyful, all who were in mourning!" (From Isaiah 66:10-11).
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Due to an unexpected glitch in the social media universe, we recently lost our previous St. Mary's Facebook page. However, we have set up a new and improved page. All we need is you to "like" us again. So click here and like our new page. It is a great way for the parish to share with you the most current news and events, including recent pictures from our own seminarian Will Frei receiving the Ministry of Acolyte in Rome, another official step to ordination to the priesthood. We also share upcoming events and special announcements about Mass times. While social media may have its pitfalls, it can also be used for tremendous good.