Parish Blog

Let’s Read During Lent!

02-25-2024Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

As you know, the Lenten penitential season is so much more than just giving up something, like coffee, chocolate or dessert. Increasing our reading of the Sacred Scriptures and meditating on them is an awesome practice to add to our lives during Lent. Also, most of us, me included, would benefit greatly from less screen time (be it the smartphone, the iPad, your computer or the “telly”) and more time reading good books. Many Catholics are not engaged in reading good and edifying books. We must be intentional if we are going to add more quality reading to our life. Lent is a good time to change our ways and add quality reading to our lives. Accordingly, I would like to offer a few suggestions for special reading during your Lenten season.


Lead us not into temptation...

02-18-2024Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

Today, the Church celebrates the liturgy of the First Sunday of Lent. The Gospel presents Jesus preparing for His public life. He goes into the desert where He spends forty days in prayer and penance. There, He is tempted by Satan.

We must prepare ourselves for the Easter Triduum. Satan is our great enemy. There are people who do not believe in him, saying he is a product of our imagination, or that he represents evil in the abstract, diluted among people and in the world. This is definitely not so!


February 14

02-14-2024Music NewsFrank Deese

During Lent, we will start using the Introit, or Entrance Antiphon, before the Entrance Hymn. This will complete what the series of what is sometimes known as the choral propers. Before Vatican II, the choir/cantor were responsible for

  • Introit, which set the tone and highlighted the themes of the day
  • Gradual, a response to the Epistle, or First Reading
  • Gospel Acclamation, which introduced the Gospel theme
  • Offertorio, which was sung as the Altar was prepared
  • Communio, which often highlighted the Gospel or theme of the day

Lent is upon us...

02-11-2024Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

Last week we were blessed with a special Mass offered by the Most Reverend Robert Guglielmone, Bishop Emeritus. At that Mass, we celebrated the ninth anniversary of the dedication of our church and the Bishop also blessed 19 stunningly beautiful tapestries. What a special time that was for us as a parish! We were able to reflect upon our physical and spiritual heritage and to look forward and consider what God might have for us in the future.


Our Ninth Anniversary!

02-04-2024Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

Nine years ago, on the Feast of Candlemas, His Excellency Robert Guglielmone, Bishop of Charleston dedicated our church. This marvelous event, this milestone, in the life of our parish was the result of many long years of prayer, sacrifice, and hard work by Father Gregory Wilson, his staff, and so many deeply committed volunteers. I think it is indisputably clear that our Lord and St. Mary Help of Christians have highly favored our parish.


Now is the Day of Salvation

01-28-2024Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

Today, Christ addresses us with His forceful cry, without doubts and with authority: “Quiet! Come out of him!” (Mk 1:25). He speaks to the spirits that live within us and prevent us from being free, as God has created and desired us to be.

Perhaps you may know that the first rule the founders of religious orders set up when establishing community life, is often that of silence: in a house where prayer is needed, silence and contemplation must reign. As the adage goes: “Noise makes no good, good makes no noise.” This is why Christ commands that evil spirit to be silent, because its duty is to surrender to the Word, who “became flesh and made His dwelling among us.” (John 1:14) The evil spirits have no option but to obey the command of our Lord.


An Update on our School

01-21-2024Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

St. Mary’s Catholic School has been back in session for about three weeks now. Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year has begun, and interest is high at this point! If you have a child that you wish to enroll, please pick up an application located at the school office, in the narthex, or online at If you would like to find out more information first and learn more about our school, please call the school office to schedule a tour or visit the next open house on Friday, February 2nd from 9 am to 11 am. All active parishioners automatically receive tuition discounts and have access to payment plans. If you desire additional tuition assistance, please apply early!


Parish Mission, Jan 22-26, 2024

01-14-2024Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

By the time you read this, we will be two weeks into the New Year! That’s hard for me to believe. The flip of that calendar page from December to January causes many of us to reflect on the past year and look to the new one with hope and optimism, considering changes in your life.

This would be a good time to attend our parish mission! From January 22nd to January 26th, we will be blessed to have Mr. Kyle Clement, SMD here for a five day parish mission.


Following the star…

01-07-2024Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

The route of the Magi is a symbol of our path to Christ. Almost always we come from afar, across the desert of faith, surrounded by darkness. Some of us get disoriented, others get lost, some give up, but a few lift their eyes up to the sky and in the middle of the night discover the star. When we find the star, we must follow it with all hope and to persevere to the end. The Magi set out on their way, and they asked, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East and have come to worship him.” (Matt 2:2)


Our Holy Families

12-31-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

Today, we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family. Our gaze shifts from the center of the nativity scene—Jesus—to contemplate Mary and Joseph close to Him. The eternal Son of the Father goes from the eternal family, which is the Holy Trinity, to the earthly family formed by Mary and Joseph. How important the family must be in the eyes of God when the first thing He provides for His Son is a family!


The baby Jesus awaits us…

12-24-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

Today a great light shines - the light of God’s love. Even though 2000 years have passed by, this still is the “Holy Night.” The only good news that can remove the fears of man today and can fill the soul with joy are those brought by the angels to the shepherds: “The Savior has been born!” Christmas night, good night, holy night! We feel great emotion as we face this mystery. Tonight, everything is big and at the same time, small.


Live fully...rejoice in the Lord!

12-17-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

We want to celebrate Christ's coming with a new heart and enormous joy. That is one of principal meanings of Advent. We should ask ourselves if we have done all that we were supposed to: Have I announced the good news of the Gospel to the poor? Have I mended broken hearts? Have I proclaimed pardon to the captive ones? Have I brought liberty to prisoners? We run the risk of living in a world of light and yet, not see, because of pure routine. Saint John reminds us to be on guard: “Among you stands one whom you do not know...”


Preparing the Way of the Lord

12-10-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

We know that the Lord will come, but when? How? Like a thief, says St. Paul: when least expected. Some believe that the Lord is slow to fulfill his promise. Really though, it’s just that he is in no hurry but is patiently waiting for all of us to repent; he wants to find us at peace with Him.

Throughout history, hermits have attracted the crowds. Many were prophets who “proclaimed the meaning of human reality” but who also “interpreted it.” This is what happened with John the Baptist, who was among the people, awakening messianic hopes. John is the voice crying out in the wilderness. The content of his preaching coincides perfectly with Christ's. What is the relationship we find between John and Christ? St. Augustine said it beautifully: “It's the relationship between voice and speech. John is the voice, Christ is the Word; the first is a sound; the second is the speech, the message, the fullness of the truth.”


Those who walk in darkness have seen a great light…

12-03-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

We are moving towards a celebration that touches the heart: Christmas. Advent, which begins today, is the suitable time to prepare for Christ's coming by practicing works of mercy and setting our hearts on the eternal rather than the things of this world.

Sometimes we look at our existence as a kind of night. It can be long and dark when we look at our powerlessness, our weakness, and our sins, but this does not mean we are “children of darkness.” We are waiting for a personal visit from Jesus, and this obliges us to be attentive to “the signs of the times” that indicate the closeness of the big day. Certainly, Christ has already come in the very first Christmas. And now he is coming back, here where I am, in what I do, if my heart is ready to welcome his way of coming as a light. In the Christmas Mass, Isaiah tells us, “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.”